Poetry Scavenger Hunt!

In which three typewriter poets–Anja Notanja Sieger, Marty Cabinet, and my un-self Undrea set up our typewriters in Voyageur Book Shop and
1. browsed book shelves for titles to pop out at us and beg to be written into poems (and in such a shop, there were many rare and interesting ones!)
2. typed out poems and placed them between the books for people to find! As you read, note how we would allow our individual poems to intertwine themes between two particular books, where the poems would go to rest when finished.


Search for Signs of Intelligent Life+The Importance of Being Earnest

Some poems have gone home with the books they were tucked next to, which have since been purchased (yay!); the rest remain there, peeking out at patrons as they pass by to mark the books surrounding them as special books because they have been held in the eyes of a poet.


The Letters of Truman Capote+The Night of the Gun

Anja Notanja’s poems are red; Marty Cabinet’s poems are yellow; my poems are buff-colored and the green poems were composed by guests using extra typewriters provided by Typewrite Milwaukee.


The Idiot+Shadow Country

(This is my second typewriting adventure with Anja Notanja, artist & typewriter poet from Milwaukee! The first took place last spring when we described people’s essences. Also, this isn’t the last! The following night we wrote greetings to our poetry querents as the sun and moon…)


The Standard Book of Knowledge




Holding the previous “unfun…” poem


My Life and Loves+Dungeon Master Guide


Cat’s Cradle+The Sirens of Titan


Kurt Vonnegut books holding a poem


A Camel+Zona Verde


Anne Frank


The Basketball Diaries


The Fall of Atlantis+The Purple Emperor


Pink Floyd+Dolly Parton (Sorry so scratchy!)

2 thoughts on “Poetry Scavenger Hunt!

  1. I love the look of your typed poetry and the way you placed them by themes. I haven’t typed by typewriter since 1989 when the typewriter my mother had given to me; when I was twelve finally died. I then went to a word processor, then a computer a couple years letter.

    • Thanks Larry! And a computer is much easier on the hands, yes? Good seeing you tonight. That reminds me, I really would like to gather some poets at Java John’s sometime this winter…could be something to look forward to in the New Year. 🙂

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